It was a dreadful day at work, your supervisor is a righteous prick, an unexpected bill delays the gift you were about to reward yourself, and the message sent to your love interest remains unanswered.
You sit at home. Steam is coming out of your ears. You go off on a rant to ensure everyone’s aware of the injustice you are suffering. An appointment at the tattoo parlour is scheduled. You are ready to eternalize the word victim on every inch of your body. You revel in your own misery.
Hours are spent wondering why there is no Bat-Signal and why Clark Kent is out of office. Hours are spent not realizing that no-one cares. Not to the extent that you do. The capes are at the laundromat. No-one is going to fix anything for you, because no-one has to. You are not entitled to anything.
Don’t let anger, anxiety and restlessness devour you. As you feel the urge to stomp on the world that seems to be so blatantly against you, be sure to glance at that reflective object hanging above the sink in the bathroom.
You are right. You did not make yourself sick, that accident was out of your control, and him or her cheating is most likely the result of the other person’s unreliability. And though you might not be the reason for the situation, you are responsible for your response to it.
That knowledge should not make you feel bitter nor turn sour. It should not make you egotistical nor ruthless. It should make you hold yourself accountable. It’s the choice between remaining a helpless casualty of circumstance or taking control of life.
Friends and family may listen to you. A word of advice might be offered. But it is not their task to resolve your problems and the difficulties you experience. Life is unfair at times and some people are selfish twats that will do whatever necessary for their own gains. Nevertheless, staying trapped in emotions leads nowhere.
Don’t complain. Don’t curl up in the corner of the room for melodramatic effect. Don’t light verbal flares and fireworks for attention. Stop shouting through your megaphone how you’ve been wronged. Self-pity is a dead end. Continuous negativity works counterproductive.
Don’t hang around those that whimper at length. Wise people on their way up do not feel the need to tear others down. The astute are the hero(ine) of their story, not the loser.
In acceptance and responsibility lies progress. And if you are so damn hell-bent on vengeance, use your resentment as motivation. Silence people by moving forward. Personal development is one hell of a gag-ball.
Now, you are a grown adult. Put on your big boy pants or big girl skirts, or whatever it is that you like to wear nowadays. No more “Woe is me”.
Leave the blame games for the willfully ignorant.
Picture by: Pixabay
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