You arrive at the train station to see that the train is delayed. You turn out of the driveway and immediately queue up in a traffic jam. You’re out of coffee and the milk has expired. You are done with this day, before it has even started.
To let off steam you ring a friend, but your call goes unanswered. The delicacy you decided to buy to comfort yourself looks delicious, but once at the cash register your debit card declines, and the cashier in the supermarket is anything but helpful.
You make it through the day at the job you despise. Complaining to anyone that’ll listen, in search of, and inevitably receiving, confirmation from your environment. Fortunately they’re all as upset with life as you are. Even more fortunately so, tomorrow is a day off.
At night, whilst laying in bed, a veil of aggravation comes over you. Annoyed with the world, mad at yourself. Ready to forget the day, you glance at social media. That place where everyone but you is living their best life. The comparison sets fire to your cerebral madhouse, scorching any positive thought still present.
Tomorrow is the weekend. So “tomorrow I will make a change” you say.
The next day you break your own promise from the moment you awaken. Procrastination is your forte. You age another day, you do a little less, and the pile of time thrown away keeps growing. Mistake upon bad decision upon shitty idea. And you find yourself scolding yourself for every single one.
Wanting to do better, choosing to do worse. Continuing this way. Seemingly unable to change. Not improving is so much easier, yet will eventually end up being so much harder. Regret is waiting for you at the finish line.
If you believe social media is an accurate depiction of how well the rest of human kind is doing, think again. If you surround yourself with negative people: reconsider your environment. Because you can use all the towels you want, if you’re adamant on standing in a river: all will be redundant.
Know you can change at any given moment. Know you can strive to be that person you have in mind from this second on. Honesty, persistence and a healthy dose of delusions of grandeur will get you in a better position.
Now get off your phone. Stop imagining things and create a better image.
Picture: Fauxels