Get up, get up, get up. Rise from the couch, shake off the mental slumber, spit in the face of self pity, and break up with your toxic habits. You go girl, boy, or whatever the hell you choose to be.
Stop whining, start winning. Let go of those that don’t truly care about you, express your love and gratitude to those that do.
There’s a cold shower to take, there’s hot coffee to pour down your esophagus, there are eyes to open and chapters to close.
Hate the way “The World” is treating you? Get off your back, close your legs and change positions. Feeling sorry for yourself is a temporary band-aid, never the lasting cure.
You are not a victim of life unless you choose to be. You’re not responsible for everything that happens to you. However, you are responsible for your response to it.
Some things that occur suck to an unfathomable degree. Yet, staying stuck will not improve anything.
Water is wet, fire is warm, cheese is a dairy product, dairy is not a diary, and life continuously changes: it’s all a given. (Let this unequalled wisdom sink in.)
Focus on what you are able to do and try to excel within your possibilities.
Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s over. When it’s hard, that’s when it usually starts. And that, my dear reader: that’s what she said…
Be sure to follow me on instagram: campdky
I wrote a novel! It’s available at: Amazon (Headfirst - Vic Koopmans)
Picture by: Sergio Cruz