The bottom of the barrel. That’s where you are residing - caught in a situation you never desired. One you view as redundant, one you wish to see different.
The job you have is either mind-numbing or consists of laying on the couch, impersonating a pillow. Or you might be sick or incapacitated. So beyond repair that you are disqualified from the ratrace.
Your love life is dying for reincarnation. You are or a woman being used as a disposable object, or a man multiplying callus on both hand and penis, or you are in a relationship that hit its iceberg a while ago.
Opinions, feelings, wishes, aspirations, needs - you have ‘em all. It’s just that you are a faint memory of society. A society that could give less than half a fuck about you, the first letter at best. An F for the grade you score at living.
Chances are that if you’re reading this, and you recognize yourself in one of the aforementioned examples, you long for change. Unfortunately longing isn’t going to cut it.
A change will not come your way, unless you maneuver yourself into the position where you are conscious of opportunity and know when and how to capitalize on it.
If your health is compromised, it boils down to accepting your current situation, armouring yourself mentally and to excel within your possibilities. If you are healthy and want to improve: sit yourself down, write down what you want to change, write down what you can change, align those and begin your ascend.
Grab that ladder. It will be longer and way more slippery than you’d prefer. It will also be your only way out of this less than mediocre barrel. Get on that first rung, keep it together and build your way up.